Tanjungpura Journal of Coaching Research, peer-reviewed journal (online) published by Universitas Tanjungpura, which was founded in 2023 and regularly published online. It publishes articles of a high standard on various aspects of the sport coaching. The e-journal provides free and open access to all of its content on our website.
All articles in this Volume 1 issue 1 articles were authored/co-authored by 23 authors. The authors of the Tanjungpura Journal of Coaching Research come from 2 countries including: (Mali, and Indonesia).
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Youssouf Haïdara, Ardo Okilanda, Rezza Dewintha, Didi Suryadi
Ibnu Wahyudi, Makan Sacko, Sorifah Sorifah
Riyan Hardinata, M. Tami Rosadi Ahwan, Eviani Damastuti, Wiyan Fauzi Nugroho, Taufik Urahman, Muhammad Zainal Abidin, Hamsa Hamsa, Mustotiah Mustotiah
Eko Saputra, Martinez Edison Putra, Louis Rianto, Teddy Tjahyanto, Restu Widiyati, Ishak Aziz
Muhammad Nanda Saputra, Endie Riyoko