Cicci Ima Delima, Fatchur Rohman, Muntholib Muntholib, Elsje Theodora Maasawet


Digital literacy is the ability to access, manage, understand, evaluate and create information safely and appropriately. This research aims to produce a valid, practical and effective problem-based learning flipping book instructional material focusing on the diversity of mangrove species, Gonda Mangrove Park, Polewali Mandar to increase student’s digital literacy. This research is R&D and follow the ADDIE instructional design model. The population in this study were X4 SMAN 2 Majene, Sulawesi Barat. The research instrument used pretest-posttest, questionnaires and digital literacy observation sheets. Data analysis through N-Gain Test. The findings obtained from this study indicate a percentage of validity test such as material 100%, learning instruction 81.42%, lesson plan 95.75% and educational practitioner 100%. Practicality test including one-to one trial 83.17%, small group trial 86.90% and field trial 88%, three of them categorized as practical. Based on the N-Gain score, the effectivity of instructional materials shows 0.71, it means the learning materials increasing student’s digital literacy effectively.


Digital Literacy; Learning Materials; Problem Based Learning

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