Kurnia Ningsih
T h is research aims to describe MIPA teachers ’ ability to design knowledge assessment through the analysis of achievement aspects of knowledge assessment. This research use d a descriptive method with SMP MIPA teachers in Pontianak City who ha ve taught for more than 5 years and have an undergraduate degree as the population . The sampl es in this research, selected using a purposive sampling technique, consisted of 12 teacher s who submitted MIPA test items . The research instrument used the data of the test item document designed by the teachers in the form of a multiple-choice test. The d ata were analyzed descriptively which include d data reduction, systematic data display , and conclusion. The results showed that of the 12 test instruments made by with 380 questions in total, the teachers ’ ability to design knowledge assessment (M ultiple C hoice Q uestion s) obtained 17.37% of knowledge aspect, 67.90% of understanding aspect, 8.68% of implementation aspect, and 6 . 05% of analysis aspect. There were no questions made related to evaluation and creation aspects .
Keywords: teachers ability, designing knowledge assessment.
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Abstracted/Indexed by: PUBLISHED BY: Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan Universitas Tanjungpura
Jurnal Pendidikan Matematika dan IPA is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
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