JMI (JURNAL MUAMALAT INDONESIA) is an scientific journal which is published two times annually by Prodi Ekonomi Islam (PRODI EKIS), Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Tanjungpura (UNTAN) Pontianak, Indonesia. JMI is a type of scientific journal (e-journal), published 2 times a year. JMI to provide access to high-quality papers and a continual platform for sharing studies of students, academicians, researchers, and practitioners; disseminate knowledge and research in various fields of Islamic economics, Monetary and Finance.
Vol 4, No 2 (2024): Jurnal Muamalat Indonesia
Table of Contents
Siti Maisyaroh
Wiranto Wiranto
Hary Juniardi
Masreal Bachrul Alam
Rezha Pahrefi
Rohaini Rohaini
Renita Ova Lestari
Ghozy Gilang Galaksi
Huriatul Muti’ah, Indar Fauziah Ulfah