Jurnal Aplikasi dan Riset Informatika

JUARA is a scientific journal that can be accessed openly. JUARA scope covers various topics in the field of informatics/computer science. JUARA aims to publish research results and thoughts among academics, researchers, scientists, and practitioners in the field of informatics/computer science so that they are freely available to the public, and support the exchange of knowledge.

Paper writing must follow the JUARA template and be written in Indonesian. The paper submitted is original and has never been published before, has never been submitted to another journal, or is in the process of being reviewed in another journal. Submitted papers will be processed in double-blind peer review. The structure of the writing of the paper must be in accordance with the author's guidelines. Accepted papers will be available online (open access).
JUARA is published by Jurusan Informatika, Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Tanjungpura, two times a year (June, December).

Vol 3, No 1 (2024)

Agustus 2024

Table of Contents


Rafi Zul Rahmatullah, Anggi Srimurdianti, Morteza Muthahhari
Ponco Sunarko, Arif Bijaksana Putra Negara, Rina Septiriana
Nuraini Ayusra, Herry Sujaini, Eva Faja Ripanti
Irsan Erosa Saputra, Anggi Srimurdianti Sukamto, Hengky Anra