Desain Pengembangan Aktivitas Kemahasiswaan dengan Pendekatan Psychological Capital dalam Meningkatkan Minat dan Kemampuan Berwirausaha Mahasiswa Fakultas Ekonomi

M. Irfani Hendri, Indarti Rochayati, M. Fahmi


This paper is to describe what has been done by the Faculty of Economics UNTAN in growing interest and entrepreneurship skills among students through student activities and currentevaluation tried to offer a development design of student activities with the approach ofpsychological capital that includes (1) the existence of self-confidence (self confidence); (2)positive attribution (optimism); (3) resistance in achieving its objectives with the ability toredefine the path to reach the goal with the ability to redefine the path to peak at the destination ifrequired (hope); and (4) when facing problems and difficulties, able to survive and continueforward (resiliency) to achieve success. The approach taken in this study is qualitative, type ofresearch is a case study. For purposes of analysis, data can be collected using triangulation ofdata collection methods which involves observation, interview documentation and Focus GroupDiscussion (FGD). It can be concluded that the hardest thing in the printing of an entrepreneur isthe mental change that is formed because of the mindset that the synergy of a wide range of ourdaily interactions (family, education, environment, etc.). It is an attempt to solve the mentalproblem needs to be a synergy of various growth entrepreneurship program that has a good andconcrete step in creating the entrepreneurs.

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Faculty of Economics and Business
Universitas Tanjungpura

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