Estu Widya Lestari, Stepanus Sahala Sitompul, Erwina Oktavianty


This study aims to decribe the digital literacy profile of students at SMA Muhammadiyah 1 Pontianak. The form of research used is survey. The sample in this study was selected through a saturated sampling technique (all members of the population) totaling 100 students. The research instrument using a questionnaire consists of 22 statements, 4 aspects and 12 indicators. The results showed that the digital literacy skills of students in the attitude aspect of the attitude indicator towards online learning were 62%, the socio-emotional aspect of the indicator was 59% teamwork, network sharing 70%, ethics 73%, legal literacy 71% and self-preservation 82%. The technical aspects of cognition and discovery indicators are 78% each, 63% presentation. The cognitive aspect of the analysis indicator is 65%, evaluation is 72% and creativity is 74%. In general, the four aspects of digital literacy skills are categorized as quite good, except for the socio-emotional aspect of the team work indicator of 59% which is still quite lacking. The lack of ability in these indicators is caused by students having difficulty communicating with group friends in online learning.


Profile, Digital Literacy, Attitude, Cognitive, Socio-emotional

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Program Studi Pendidikan Fisika, Fakultas Keguruan & Ilmu Pendidikan, Universitas Tanjungpura,
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