Mobile apps for learning languages have become very popular tools for helping students build their vocabulary and improve language skills. However, using these apps effectively in education settings has both benefits and challenges. This systematic review looks at the challenges of using mobile language learning apps specifically to teach vocabulary, and how they affect students' vocabulary and language learning outcomes. Previous research by Polakova (2022) looks at how using apps and mobile devices in EFL (English as a Foreign Language) courses might improve vocabulary development. Following PRISMA guidelines, relevant articles were analysed in-depth. Findings revealed challenges like motivational barriers, decontextualized environments, technical limitations, pedagogical shortcomings, and lack of empirical evaluations. However, studies also highlighted positive influences, crediting engaging features, flexibility, and advanced technologies. As technology keeps improving, properly addressing the identified challenges through careful app design, implementation planning, and thorough testing will be important to fully unlocking the potential of mobile apps to revolutionize how vocabulary is taught.
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