Analyzing The Speaking Anxiety of The Sixth Semester Students of English Language Education Department
In our globalized era, English has become the predominant language for communication. While mastering English speaking is essential, many students grapple with speaking anxiety. This research paper delves into the challenges students face in acquiring speaking skills and the strategies employed for overcoming them. Using a qualitative approach with a descriptive study method, the aim is to comprehend and articulate these issues. Data collection involved student questionnaires. Results reveal varying levels of speaking anxiety at Universitas Tanjungpura, with prevalent strategies for mitigation including increased practice, self-control, and preparation. These findings hold implications for educators and institutions, suggesting a need to tailor support and interventions to enhance students' English-speaking proficiency. Recognizing and addressing these challenges can contribute to more effective language education strategies in a globalized academic environment.
Keywords: English language education students, speaking anxiety
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