An Analysis of Students’ Speaking Anxiety in English Foreign Language (EFL)
This research aimed at determining students’ speaking anxiety levels and how they anticipate or the strategies to reduce it. Researchers used a descriptive mixed approach to explore and explain data about student anxiety. This research involved 122 grade 8 students of SMP Negeri 3 Sungai Raya. In collecting data, researchers use the instrument FLSA questionnaire and interviews. From the results of the questionnaire, the categories of students’ anxiety were determined to be 3 categories of mild, moderate, and severe anxiety levels. The results showed that 15 students were at low anxiety level, 88 students were included in moderate anxiety, and 19 students were at severe anxiety level. Furthermore, the results of the interview, the way they anticipate speaking anxiety is by controlling their breathing, be brave, encourage themselves, and practice regularly.
Keywords: Speaking Anxiety, EFL, Descriptive Study
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