Designing an Instruction for Reading Comprehension Using Gallery Walk Technique
This research was conducted to design an instruction for reading comprehension class on descriptive text using gallery technique. The method of this research was design and development research. The researcher was done by three phases of ADDIE from Branch (2009) as the procedure, which are Analyzing, Designing, and Developing. In the analyze phase, the researcher interviewed the English teacher and the tenth-grade students. In the design phase, the researcher observed the curriculum applied in the school to design the product, collected and selected the reading text from the textbook, and images from the internet. In the develop phase, the researcher combined the materials using PowerPoint Presentation. The researcher applied an assessment rubric for Expert Validation to validate whether the final product is usable or not. In conclusion, it is found that the instruction of using gallery walk technique for reading comprehension class on descriptive text is usable to support the process of teaching and learning reding comprehension on descriptive text to the tenth-grade students.
Keywords: Design and Development Research, Reading Comprehension, Descriptive Text
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