The Use of Bingo Game in Teaching Vocabulary to The Seventh Grade Students
This research aimed to discover the use of the Bingo game on the students’ vocabulary of MTs Al-Jihad Pontianak. This research took a preexperimental study. The sample of this research was 22 grade 7a students with total cluster sampling method. The data on this study were gathered through a written test in the form of multiple choice consist of 20 items for both pretest and posttest. As a procedure, the researcher divided the students into four groups, then gave the students picture bingo. The researcher mentioned the name of the word of the pictures twice, the groups of students have to write the name of vocabulary that the researcher said. The group who has finished write vocabulary in every picture should shouts “Bingo”. The result of t-test was 22.20, higher than t-critical (22.20 > 2.051). It revealed that the null hypothesis (H0) was rejected and the alternative hypothesis (Ha) was accepted. Finding also showed that the score of the effect size of the treatment was 1,77, categorized as “strong” effect. It can be concluded that Bingo game has a strong significant effect on vocabulary achievement of grade 7 students of MTs Al Jihad Pontianak.
Keywords: Bingo game, Pre-Experimental Research, Vocabulary
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