A Study on The Students’ Perception of Using M-Reader
This study aims to explore the perception of Indonesian EFL learners of using M-Reader and what suggestions they give to improve the utilization of M-Reader. This study used descriptive research to describe the nature of the existing conditions. The data were derived from two sources: questionnaires with close-ended and open-ended questions and interviews. The students’ reading report was also attached to supplement the data. Of ninety students enrolled in the extensive reading program, only seventy-six participated in this study. This study concluded that the students perceived M-Reader positively and were satisfied with using M-Reader in their extensive reading activity. This study also concluded three main suggestions regarding the website, the book collection, and the promotion of the program to improve the utilization of M-Reader in the extensive reading activity.
Keywords: Perception, Extensive Reading, M-Reader
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.26418/jefle.v3i2.60900
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