Developing a Supplementary Material for English Specific Purposes for Architecture Major
Due to the lack of specific English materials for architecture students, this present study is aimed at developing a supplementary material for architecture students in Politeknik Negeri Pontianak, specifically a list of vocabulary related to the architecture major. This study employed ADDIE model in developing the material; analyze, design, develop, implement and evaluation. There are 47 of first Semester students participated in this research. Based on the need analysis, most of them need a supplementary material that conforms to their field, which in this case is the architecture major. The supplementary material is developed into five units: Architectural Style for Unit 1, Floor Plan for Unit 2, Building Materials for Unit 3, Roofs and Floors for Unit 4 and Interior Design for Unit 5. The implemantation phase shows that the students have a positive attitude toward the supplementary materials. They express satisfaction in using it since the design and content are interesting. The material from this study can help students learn English that is related to their major, which can help them in their future careers.
Keywords: ESP; discipline-specific vocabulary; architecture major
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