Using Gallery Walk Strategy to Improve Students' Participation in Speaking Activity
This study aimed to improve the year-10 students’ participation in speaking activities through the gallery walk strategy. Classroom action research was applied to conduct this study. The year-10 students of SMK Subur Insani Sambas in Academic Year 2020/2021 became the research participant. The researcher used an observation checklist and field note to find out and get data from the research participant. This study was conducted in two cycles. This research result showed good progress in improving the students’ participation through the gallery walk strategy, even though only a few students participated enthusiastically in the speaking activity and had enough bravery to speak English in the first cycle. The researcher modified the gallery walk strategy in the second cycle to actively talk in English during the presentation, meaning the gallery walk strategy could improve the year-10 students’ participation. The result showed the percentage of the students categorized as very active and active was approximately 71%. The researcher recommended that the gallery walk strategy can also be applied in the teaching and learning process.
Keywords: Gallery Walk, students’ participation, speaking
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