A Corpus-Based Analysis of Lexical Collocation in Conversation Texts of English Textbooks
This study revealed the analysis of lexical collocation in conversation texts of curriculum-based English textbook entitled “Bahasa Inggris” for tenth- grade students. In the textbook, it was found that there were 46 lexical collocations of VN, AdjN, NN, AdvAdj, and VAdv combination. Five out of seven types of lexical collocation combinations were presents in the conversation texts. The MI (Mutual Information) score of the collocation combinations were mostly above 3.00 which considered ‘strong collocation’. Semantically, the collocations were dominated by ‘free combination’ followed by ‘restricted collocation’ then figurative idiom’. The result also showed the lack of repetition of collocation combination in the conversation texts. Moreover, there was an absence of ‘pure idioms’ as one of the part that construct a conversation
Key Words: conversation, corpus, lexical collocation
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.26418/jefle.v2i2.51634
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