Applying Colorful Scramble Learning Model to Increase Students’ Critical Thinking and Learning Results

St. Dwi Karmila


This study aims to increase students' critical thinking and learning results through the application of the Colorful Scramble Learning Model. The subjects of this study were students of class VII H SMP N 1 Pontianak. The objects of this research are the increasing of students’ critical thinking and learning results in learning English. The method of data collection is through observation of teaching and learning activities, students’ assessment for learning results, and documentations. The data were analysed qualitatively using Likert Scale and quantitatively using IBM SPSS Statistics 26. The result of this study indicates that the Colorful Scramble Learning Model can increase critical thinking and learning results of students in class VII H SMP N 1 Pontianak in learning.

Keywords: Critical Thinking, Learning Results, Colourful-Scramble Learning Model.

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