The Use of Tutorial Videofrom “Food& Cooking” Channel to Improve Students’ Writing Procedure Text
The research was aimed to overcome students' writing procedure text problems. As the research subjects, the students in B class of SMP Negeri 18 Pontianak Academic Year 2020/2021 had difficulty constructing the ideas to write procedure text, consisting of goals, materials, and steps. Classroom action research was conducted by implementing tutorial videos from "Food & Cooking" channel as the learning media to help students overcome their problems. In this research, there were two cycles. The data gathered by using the checklist, field notes, and WhatsApp Messenger. The activity in this research is online learning through WhatsApp Messenger. The results of the data were analyzed descriptively. The students' writing procedure text was improved based on the data, and they become more active in the teaching and learning process. In conclusion, the students' writing procedure text problems had been solved using the tutorial video from "Food & Cooking" channel.
Keywords: writing, procedure text, tutorial video
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