Designing Supplementary Material "English for Culinary" for Vocational High School Students

Sofian Sofian, Melissa Jufenna


This research aims to design supplementary materials “English for Culinary” based on the text-based approach as teaching materials for Vocational High School students. The teaching materials were designed and developed based on English teachers’, students’ needs and the syllabus context. Each task is provided with task instruction in the form of individual, pair, and group work. There are some features in each lesson that can help the teacher and students to understand the materials and tasks in each lesson. Those features are learning goals, lesson focuses and language focuses. The methods-used in this research were analyzing, designing, and developing. The validation checklists revealed that the supplementary grammar materials were scored between adequate and excellent. This result shows that the supplementary grammar materials are useful. In addition, the supplementary grammar materials which were designed based on the result of interview data, students’ questionnaire, curriculum 2013 and syllabus review indicate that the supplementary grammar materials are workable as the teaching materials in SMK Negeri 5 Pontianak.
Keywords: ADDIE Instructional Design, Supplementary Materials, Text- based Approach

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