Using One Minute Paper to Improve Students' Active Participation in Learning English

Syarifah Aminah, Regina Regina


Many students in 11 APL 2 of SMK-SMTI Pontianak were categorized as passive learners while learning English in the classroom and it affected their classroom participation. This research was done to know how the use of One Minute Paper (OMP) technique improved students’ participation in learning English. This is a classroom action research with the subject is 11 APL 2 (eleventh grade) students in SMK-SMTI Pontianak in the academic year 2018/2019. The data were taken by using observation checklists and field notes. After comparing and contrasting the result of the tools of data collection, the researcher found that the students’ participation had improved from cycle to cycle during the OMP. During answering the OMP questions, the students became more enthusiastic to find new (91%), actively asked their teacher (82%) and asked their peers (60%) when they faced difficulties. During the OMP presentation, many students gave positive nonverbal respond such as raising hands (70%), challenged others’ ideas confidently (65%) and became more enthusiastic to share their ideas (60%) because they had OMP as their guide. In conclusion, the use of One Minute Paper improved the students’ participation by helping them to be more enthusiastic and confident to participate in learning English.

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