Unlocking Creative Writing Through In4D-Indigenous CIY Nature Journaling: The Indigenous Voice

Laily Yahya, Adam Prakash


This study examined the perceptions of the participants on the In4dIndigenous CIY nature journaling, their challenges in writing and how the journaling has influenced their creative writing in English Language learning. The methodology adopted for this study was an exploratory study. The instrument employed were document analysis of the In4d-Indigenous CIY Nature Journaling and focus group interview. The participants for this study were 29 Indigenous undergraduates (N=6 male,23= female) pursuing the Bachelor of Education in Iban Studies. The data from nature journaling amplified that the participants expressed their ideas in writing with elements of creative skills, critical thinking skills and emergence of character in articulating ideas for the journal. The data of focus group interview revealed that the In4D-Indigenous CIY nature journaling was a driver that connected technology-aided meaningful outdoor learning with nature, and how the environment was an inspirational teacher. On a positive note, the challenges were expressed as opportunity for improvement rather than threats. The In4d-Indigenous nature journaling indicated an encouraging and constructive influence pertaining to creative writing with six emerging themes: learner autonomy, shift attitude towards language learning, risk-taking, constructors of knowledge, technology exploration and creative-aesthetic value. This study has navigated direction for adopting an Inspired by Nature for the Indigenous CIY nature journaling, yet aspects of new pedagogies for deep learning and 21st Century Skills could be interwoven with nature for a more transformative eco-literacy research.

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.26418/jefle.v1i1.41669


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