Analysis of Students’ Learning Interest on Online Learning in High School

Sholikah Indah Sari, Muhammad Asrori, Purwanti Purwanti



The goal of this research was to understand more about the learning styles of high school students taking the online course. This was a descriptive technique to study that resembles a survey in certain respects. Social science students from 11th-grade serves as the research sample, with a total of 45 pupils being surveyed. Random sampling was used to draw the sample. Online learners are curious in data collection methods and technology, which attract their interest. Based on the results of data analysis on students' learning interest on online learning class as a whole reached 79.74% with the category "High" with variable aspects of learning interest on online learning reached 75.60% with high categories, internal factors that affect learning interest on online learning reached 80.55% with high categories, external factors that affect learning interest on online learning reached 82.77% with a high category, and the efforts that teachers have made guidance and counseling reached 79.72% of high categories .


Keywords: Learning Interest, High School Students, Descriptive

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International Journal of Learning and Instruction (IJLI) is published by the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education in Universitas Tanjungpura.

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