Improving Students’ Mathematics Problem Solving Ability Through Jigsaw Method Based on Cooperative Learning Model in Pythagoras Theorema

Leo Luxman, Mohammad Rifat, Dede Suratman


 The study investigates the increase in students mathematical problem-solving abilities after being treated with the Jigsaw cooperative model on the Pythagorean theorem. The method used in this research was an experimental method with pre-experimental designs and the research design was One Group Pretest Postest Design. The population was all students of VIII grade SMPN 1 Toba who were spread into four classes. Then the sample were students of VIII B class who were taken using the cluster random sampling technique. Data collection techniques used measurement techniques and data collection tools used problem-solving ability tests in descriptions. After the data was tested on the sample, then the data analysis was then carried out to test the hypothesis. But first, doing the prerequisite test was the data normality test. The normality test of this data used Chi-Square (χ 2). Obtained data normality test results χ 2count = 2.75 and χ2 table = 7.81. Because χ2count <χ2table, then the data was normally distributed. The next test was to do a one-group t-test with a significance level (𝛼) = 0.05. The results obtained tcount = 2, 541 and t table = 1.961. Because tcount> ttable, it can be concluded that there was an increase in students mathematical abilities after being given a Jigsaw cooperative learning model.


Keywords: Cooperative Learning Model, Jigsaw, Problem Solving 

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