The Implementation of Group Working Method for Improving Learning Outcomes in Reading for Understanding at SDN 15 Delta Pawan

Windayati Windayati



The purpose of this study was to describe the improvement of student learning outcomes in IV grade of the State Elementary School 15 Delta Pawan (SDN 15 Delta Pawan) on reading comprehension material with group work methods. The research method in this study was a qualitative method of classroom action research (CAR). The results showed that the observations of the first cycle experienced an increase, with an average of 3.38 were categorized as sufficient, and in the second cycle, being four were categorized as good. The learning process from cycle I to cycle II was that students actively paid attention to the explanation of the teacher in the first cycle of 70.58% to 94.11%. Students were actively cooperating in the first cycle group, 52.94%, to 88.23%. Students actively answered the first cycle questions 29.41%, to 64.70%. Students who were serious about doing the first cycle group assignments, 64.70%, increased to 88.23%. Students who actively provided ideas in the first cycle group by 47.05% and increased to 88.23%.


Keywords: Group Work Methods, Reading for Understanding, Learning Outcomes

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International Journal of Learning and Instruction (IJLI) is published by the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education in Universitas Tanjungpura.

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