The Implementation of Demonstration Method in Area of A Triangle Learning at SDN 20 Delta Pawan

Puji Lestari


The research used Classroom Action Research. Data analysis was carried out by counting teacher activities during the learning process by peers as well as calculating student test result data, which was calculated using the formula of percentage scores and grade averages. The results showed that the average test in each cycle increased, namely in the first cycle 65.5 increased in the second cycle to 89.0. In the first cycle, around 45% of students scored below the KKM, but in the second cycle, there were no more students who scored below the KKM. It showed that the wide triangle flat learning using the demonstration method could improve the learning outcomes of IV grade SDN 20 Delta Pawan students need to be implemented as good learning, which can optimize student abilities. Learning planning arranged in each cycle, namely (1) competencies and learning outcomes to be achieved, (2) learning indicators, (3) Principal material, (4) stages of learning scenarios (5) media and learning resources, (6) time allocation, and (7) learning evaluation.


Keywords: Demonstration Method, Area of Triangle, Learning Outcomes

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International Journal of Learning and Instruction (IJLI) is published by the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education in Universitas Tanjungpura.

ISSN 2656-0763 (print) ISSN 2714-6847 (online)



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