The Effects of Transformational Leadership of The Principal and Teacher's Work Motivation towards Teacher Work Productivity

Sri Narulita, Maswardi M Amin, M. Chiar


This research aims to reveal the influence of principal transformational leadership and teacher work motivation on teacher work productivity of state elementary schools in Sambas Sub-district, both partially and jointly. The research method used is a quantitative approach with a type of causal-comparative research or correlational study. This research was conducted in 18 state elementary schools in Sambas Sub-district with the criteria of a minimum B accredited school. While the sample amounted to 100 people with criteria as civil servants and had teaching experience of more than five years. The instruments used are in the form of questionnaires. Data collection procedures and techniques used were questionnaires. While the data analysis technique is used inferential parametric statistics with the hypothesis testing technique is correlation analysis and multiple regression analysis with the help of IBM SPSS Statistics 20 (SPSS 20). The conclusions of this research are as follows: (1) Principle of transformational leadership of state elementary schools in Sambas Sub-district tends to be low (not good). (2) Work motivation of teachers in elementary schools in Sambas Sub-district tends to be good. (3) The work productivity of teachers in elementary schools in Sambas Sub-district tends to be moderate. (4) The principal of transformational leadership affects the work productivity of state elementary school teachers in Sambas Sub-district. (5) Work motivation of students influences the work productivity of the state elementary school teachers in Sambas Sub-district. (6) The principal of transformational leadership and teacher work motivation jointly affects the work productivity of state elementary school teachers in Sambas Sub-district.

Keywords: Motivation, Transformational Leadership, Work Productivity

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International Journal of Learning and Instruction (IJLI) is published by the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education in Universitas Tanjungpura.

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