Citedness as Scopus Secondary Documents
Secondary Documents: 44( last Updated : Januari 30 th 2023 - Maret 30 th 2024 )Design and manufacture of wireless monitoring system of photovoltaic generation employing raspberry PI 3, ELKHA Vol.13 No.1, 2021Krismadinata, K.,Kusuma, P.,Yahfizham, Y. Cited by :Smart Microgrid approach for Distributed power generation of renewable energy.(2021) Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Computer and Communication Engineering, ICCCE 2021Khushi, F. , Motakabber, S.M.A. , Hamida, B.A.
Link :
Analysis of Battery Management Algorithms on DC Microgrids,ELKHA Vol.13 No.1, 2021Nugroho, V.A., Wardana, A.N.I., Suroso, D.J. Cited by :Supervisory System for On-Grid Solar Power Plant(2022) 2022 FORTEI-International Conference on Electrical Engineering, FORTEI-ICEE 2022 - ProceedingFadilla, R.M. , Ismail, N. , Rachmildha, T.D.Link :
Reliability Analysis and Maintainability for the Design of Grid and Hybrid Solar Power Plant Systems in Wonogiri Regency, ELKHA Vol.13 No.1, 2021Nur'Aini, E. Cited by :Simulation Model of Single-Phase AC-AC Converter by Using MATLAB(2022) Journal of Robotics and Control (JRC)Shaker, D.H. , Shneen, S.W. , Abdullah, F.N.Link :
Performance Analysis of VRLA Battery for DC Load at Telecommunication Base Station, ELKHA Vol.13 No.1, 2021Simanjuntak, I.U.V. Cited by :Improvement of Performance Availability of Cellular by analyzing the Preventive Maintenance and Trouble Ticket Data(2022) Proceedings - 11th Electrical Power, Electronics, Communications, Control, and Informatics Seminar, EECCIS 2022Wibowo, A. , Siregar, M. , Pandjaitan, L.Link :
Perancangan, Implementasi Monitoring dan Kontrol Alat Pemanggang Kopi, ELKHA Vol.12 No.2, 2020Tampubolon, F., Pratama, Y., Dirgayussa, I.G.E. 1.Cited by :Design and Implementation of the Irrigation Robot Movement System on Grid Land using 2D Array Algorithm(2022) International Seminar on Application for Technology of Information and Communication: Technology 4.0 for Smart Ecosystem: A New Way of Doing Digital Business, iSemantic 2022Pratama, Y. , Eka Dirgayussa, I.G. , Noverinda Situmeang, E.2. Cited by :Implementation of Convolutional Neural Network on Farming Robots for Detecting Broccoli(2022) 9th International Conference on ICT for Smart Society: Recover Together, Recover Stronger and Smarter Smartization, Governance and Collaboration, ICISS 2022 - ProceedingPratama, Y. , Iskandar, I. , Giawa, P.T.P.Link :
Implementasi Master-slave pada Embedded system menggunakan komunikasi RS485, ELKHA Vol.12 No.1, 2020Wajiansyah, A, Supriadi, S. 1. Cited by :A predictive control model for master slave robotic manipulator with RBF neural network(2021) International Journal of Circuits, Systems and Signal ProcessingLei, Y.2.Cited by :A novel control method and mathematical model for intelligent robot(2021) International Journal of Circuits, Systems and Signal ProcessingWu, N.Link :
Classification of Fruits and Vegetables Using SVM With Saliency-HOG and Color Moments Features, ELKHA Vol.12 No.2, 2020Yohannes, Y., Pribadi, M.R., Chandra, L. Cited by :Sentiment Analysis of the PeduliLindungi on Google Play using the Random Forest Algorithm with SMOTE(2022) International Seminar on Intelligent Technology and Its Applications: Advanced Innovations of Electrical Systems for Humanity, ISITIA 2022 - ProceedingPribadi, M.R. , Manongga, D. , Purnomo, H.D.Link :
Perancangan dan Analisa Kinerja Fiber to the Building (FTTB) untuk Mendukung Smart Building di Daerah Urban, ELKHA Vol.12 No.1, 2020Laagu, M.A., Anggita, T., Rachman, L., Akbar, A., Apriono, C. Cited by :Design of Fiber-To-The-Home Network Deployment at the Ministerial Residential of IKN Nusantara(2022) International Conference on Informatics Electrical and Electronics, ICIEE 2022 - ProceedingsBaskoro, J.F. , Tiarani, F. , Alfarabay, N.Link :
Desain dan implementasi visual object tracking menggunakan Pan and Tilt vision system, ELKHA Vol 11 No.2, 2019Yunardi, R. T., Mardhiyah, A. W., Yahya, M. H., Arisgraha, F. C. S. Cited by :Encoding LED for Unique Markers on Object Recognition System(2021) International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and ApplicationsTresna, W.P. , Ahmad, U.A. , IsnaeniLink :
Analisis Teknis dan Ekonomis Dalam Penggunaan Bahan Bakar Biomassa Di Pusat Listrik Tenaga Uap Studi Kasus di PLTU PT, ELKHA Vol.10 No.2, 2018Akhdiyatul, A, Radwitya, E, Chandra, Y 1. Cited by :Supply Chain Model to Support the Sustainability of Biomass based Power Plants: Indonesia case(2022) ACM International Conference Proceeding SeriesThaheer, H. , Hasibuan, S. , Jaqin, C.2. Cited by :Contribution of cocoa shell waste as a source of energy at PT. Mars Indonesia(2022) IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental SciencePirade, D. , Demmallino, E.B. , Zubair, H.Link :
Technical and economic analysis in the use of biomass fuel in a steam power plant, ELKHA Vol.10 No.2, 2018Akhdiyatul, Radwitya E., Chandra, Y. Cited by :A system dynamics model for wood-based renewable energy production from degraded land rehabilitation(2021) Polish Journal of Environmental StudiesNarendra, B.H. , Widiatmaka , Kusmana, C.Link :
Studi Microgrid System Menuju Pembangunan Desa Mandiri Energi di Desa Temajuk Kabupaten Sambas, ELKHA Vol.10 No.1, 2018Yunando, Sutriyatna Cited by :Nationalism in Border Community: Temajuk, Sambas District, West Kalimantan, Indonesia(2021) Journal of Nationalism Memory and Language PoliticsRachmawati, I. , Dewi, M.A.Link :
Evaluasi pemanfaatan SOLAR POWER PLANT terpusat siding kabupaten bengkayang, ELKHA Vol.9 No.1, 2017Eriyanto, E Cited by :Performance of 25 KWP rooftop solar PV at misbahul ulum building, Lhokseumawe City(2020) 4th International Conference on Electrical, Telecommunication and Computer Engineering, ELTICOM 2020 - ProceedingsLukman, F.S. , Hasibuan, A. , Setiawan, A.Link :
Analisis Penggunaan Aplikasi Pelaporan Dana, (Analysis of money report aplication), ELKHA Vol.9 No.2, 2017Ishak Cited by :Interests Scale Based Online Application to Determining Major in University(2021) Journal of Physics: Conference SeriesBil Haq, A.H. , Kamaratih, D. , Fahmi, G.L.Link :
Analisis potensi biomassa limbah pabrik kelapa sawit (PKS) untuk pembangkitan energi listrik di Kabupaten Landak Provinsi Kalimantan Barat,ELKHA Vol.8 No.2, 2016Simanjuntak, Y., Danial, D., Taufiqurrahman, M., Kurniawan, E. Cited by :Oil palm biomass in Indonesia: Thermochemical upgrading and its utilization(2023) Renewable and Sustainable Energy ReviewsNabila, R. , Hidayat, W. , Haryanto, A.Link :
Technological Support for Horticultural Crops-Cattle Cattle Integration for Sustainable Agribusiness Development, ELKHA Vol.8 No.2, 2016 Sujana, I., Hardiansyah, G., Siahaan, S. 1. Cited by :Potential development of crop-livestock integration system and its economic impact(2023) Migration and Social Work: Approaches, Visions and ChallengesYusriani, Y. , Fitriawaty , Allaily2. Cited by :Potential development of crop-livestock integration system and its economic impact(2022) Agricultural Research UpdatesYusriani, Y. , Fitriawaty , AllailyLink :
Migrai baterai lithium dari mode otomotif ke mode penyimpanan energy untuk sisstem pembangkit listrik tenaga surya, ELKHA Vol.8 No.2, 2016Junaidi, K.H., Khwee, A. Hiendro Cited by :Analysis of the quality parameter requirements of national standard development for battery swap in electric vehicles(2021) Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and InformaticsAnggundari, W.C. , Dewantoro, A. , Bendjamin, B.L.Link :
Pendekatan Design For Six Sigma Pada Perancangan Sistem Informasi Preventive Maintenance Untuk Support Facilities Perangkat BTS (Base Transceiver Station), ELKHA Vol.7 No.2, 2015Taufqurrahman, M. Cited by :IMPLEMENTING PERIODIC REVIEW-VARIABLE ORDER QUANTITY SYSTEM IN INVENTORY MANAGEMENT: A CASE STUDY HEAVY EQUIPMENT COMPANIES, KUTAI BARAT(2022) ACM International Conference Proceeding SeriesFebrianto, A. , Sofianti, T.D. , Baskoro, G.Link :
Peningkatan Efisiensi Energi Menggunakan Baterai Dengan Kendali Otomatis Penerangan Ruang Kelas Berbasis PLTS, ELKHA Vol.7 No.2, 2015Roal, M. Cited by :The Small-Scale Portable Power Generator Supports for MSMEs(2022) Proceedings of the International Conference on Electrical Engineering and InformaticsZakri, A.A. , Syahza, A. , Hanafi, D.Link :
Rancang bangun mesin pelet ikan untuk kelompok usaha tambak ikan, ELKHA Vol.6 No.2, 2014Uslianti, S., Saleh, M. Cited by :Effect of Motor Speed Rate on Performance of Multifunctional Machine (Chopper and Pellet)(2019) Proceedings of the 2019 2nd International Conference on Applied Engineering, ICAE 2019Martianis, E. , Gafur, A.Link :
Pengaruh temperatur terhadap kapasitas daya panel surya,ELKHA Vol.5 No.2, 2013Khwee, K.H. 1. Cited by :The Effect Of Temperature And Intensity Of Sunlight On The Power Produced By Solar Panels From Data Logger(2022) Egyptian Journal of ChemistryEffendi, A. , Yanto, A. , Premadi, A.2. Cited by :2D Heat Distribution Mapping of Monocrystalline Type Photovoltaic Placed in Universitas Budi Luhur Jakarta(2019) 2nd International Seminar on Research of Information Technology and Intelligent Systems, ISRITI 2019Laksana, E.P. , Prabowo, Y. , Sujono3. Cited by :Performance Test of Solar-Powered Ice Maker: Case Study in South Lampung(2018) E3S Web of ConferencesWullandari, P. , Hakim, A.R. , Sarwono, W.Link :
Audit Energi Pada Gedung IV Kantor PT PLN (PERSERO) Wilayah Kalimantan Barat, ELKHA Vol.5 No.2, 2013Malik, A. Cited by :Smart Control Motor Comp ressor Cooling System for Improving the Efficiency of Energy Usage Method of Fuzzy-Pid(2019) Journal of Physics: Conference SeriesTohazen , Belyamin , KusnadiLink :
Optimisasi Pola Pembebanan Daya Mesin Pembangkit Listrik Diesel SWD 16 TM 410 Terhadap Efisiensi Konsumsi Bahan Bakar, ELKHA Vol.5 No.2, 2013Widagdo, E Cited by :Specific Fuel Consumption Prediction Model for Diesel Engines: A Preliminary Study(2022) IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering ManagementAlif, H.H. , Sari, W.P. , Sopha, B.M.Link :
Rancang Bangun Sistem Informasi Manajemen Pharmacy Berbasis Client-Server (Studi Kasus: Pharmacy Bakita Kubu Raya), ELKHA Vol.4 No.1, 2013Irwansyah, M.A., Kresna, D.K. Cited by :Designing Pharmacy Transaction Information System(2018) IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and EngineeringSoegoto, E.S. , Ginanjar, D.Link :
Design Administration System Informasi (SI-ADIF), ELKHA Vol.4 No.2, 2012Andtonio, H. Cited by :Optimization of presence and student assessment with or code based on client server android(2019) International Journal of Recent Technology and EngineeringPurta, A.P. , Maryana, S. , SamsudinLink :
Perbandingan Unjuk Kerja Lampu Hemat Energi (LHE) Bergaransi Dan Tidak Bergaransi, ELKHA Vol.4 No.1, 2012Abang Razikin, J. I., Syaifurrahman Cited by :The Effect of Source Voltage Fluctuation on Ilumination Decrease in Bandles, Led Lights, and Energy Saving Lights(2021) Journal of Physics: Conference SeriesRimbawati , Pelawi, Z. , Alam, H.Link :
Implementasi Logika Fuzzy pada Sistem Kecerdasan Buatan, ELKHA Vol.2 No.2, 2012Nasution, H. Cited by :Comparison of BLDC motor controller design for electric vehicles using fuzzy logic controller and artificial neural network(2021) Przeglad ElektrotechnicznyPamuji, F.A. , Danier, D. , SoedibyoLink :
Synthesis of Conductive Polymers as Raw Materials for Electrical Energy Storage Devices, ELKHA Vol.3 No.1, 2011Sitorus, B, Suendo, V, Hidayat, F Cited by :Response Characteristics of Sensor Array of Fresh Meat Detection Circuit using Conducting Polymer Sensor(2022) IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental ScienceSimanjuntakHasrullah, B.E. , Situmorang, M. , Humaidi, S.Link :
Damping enhancement in multimachine power system via output feedback excitation controller, ELKHA Vol.3 No.2, 2011Hardian, S. Cited by :Design of an Optimal Fuzzy Sliding Mode Control using Scalar Sign Function(2017) Asian Journal of ControlChaouech, L. , Soltani, M. , Dhahri, S.Link:
Diversifikasi sumber energi terbarukan melalui penggunaan air buangan dalam sel elektrokimia berbasis mikroba, ELKHA Vol.2 No.1, 2010Sitorus, B. Cited by :Syzygium oleina as Bioelectrical using Plant- Microbial Fuel Cell(2018) 2nd Borneo International Conference on Applied Mathematics and Engineering, BICAME 2018Mulyanto, K.B. , Sholikah, U. , Alfian, N.Link :
Desain dan simulasi filter FIR menggunakan metode windowing,ELKHA Vol.2 No.1, 2010Mooniarsih, N.T Cited by :Comparing windowing methods on Finite Impulse Response (FIR) filter algorithm in Electroencephalography (EEG) data processing(2016) Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information TechnologyDiana, N.E. , Kalsum, U. , Sabiq, A.Link :
Modular and Formal Design Approach of Industrial Automation using Coloured Petri Net, ELKHA Vol.1 No.2, 2008Panjaitan, S.D. Cited by :A formal design of automation systems based on operation modes using high-level Petri net(2010) Proceedings - 2010 2nd International Conference on Advances in Computing, Control and Telecommunication Technologies, ACT 2010Panjaitan, S.D.Link :
Secondary Documents: 7
( last Updated : Maret 17 th 2023 )
Cited by : OTTV based shading devices optimization for multi-storey building in tropical Jakarta. (2021) IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science.Irvandi, M. , Soebiyan, V. , Tomasowa, R. Audit energi listrik di smk negeri 2 Pontianak, ELKHA Vol. 7 No.1, 2015Syahri
Cited by :Integrating Scheduling System for Managing A Huge Number of Electrical Devices(2018)2nd Borneo International Conference on Applied Mathematics and Engineering, BICAME 2018 Sendari, S. , Muladi, M. , Elmunsyah, H.
Implementasi Kendali PID Menggunakan Jaringan Syaraf Tiruan Backpropagation,ELKHA Vol.11 No 1 2019Dewantoro, G., Sukamto, J.N. Cited by : Identification of Indonesian Phonemes in Videos Using A Neural Network Backpropagation: Identifikasi Fonem Indonesia Dalam Video Menggunakan Backpropagation Neural Network.(2022) ACM International Conference Proceeding SeriesAripin , Kamarukmi, N.E. , Nugroho, A.N. Deep Learning for Channel Estimation and Signal Detection in OFDM-Based Communication Systems, ELKHA Vol.14 No.1, 2022.Wong, K.J., Juwono, F., Reine, R. Cited by : Deep-Learning-Based Carrier Frequency Offset Estimation and Its Cross-Evaluation in Multiple-Channel Models.(2023) Information (Switzerland).Wang, Z. , Wei, S. , Zou, L. IoT-based running time monitoring system for machine preventive maintenance scheduling, ELKHA Vol.13 No. 1, 2021Sitompul, E., Rohmat, A.
Cited by : Optimisation of Preventive Maintenance Regime Based on Failure Mode System Modelling Considering Reliability (2023) Arabian Journal for Science and EngineeringAlamri, T.O. , Mo, J.P.T.
Analisis Ekonomi Energi Perencanaan Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Mikrohidro Meragun (Desa Meragun, Kec. Nanga Taman, Kab. Sekadau), ELKHA Vol.5 No.1 2011.Ismail, Supriono Cited by :Study of Feasibility Planning Micro Hydro Power Plant in Kampung Mului, Paser(2019) Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on High Voltage Engineering and Power Systems: Towards Sustainable and Reliable Power Delivery, ICHVEPS 2019.Virgine, R.M. , Setiabudy, R.
( last Updated : Maret 25 th 2024 )