Journal History

First Edition of journal ELKHA (Vol. 1 No.1, July 2008) published on July 2008. This Volume consisted of two edition and two articles.

Since Vol. 2 in 2010, ELKHA had been published in three edition: Vol. 2 No. 1 (March 2010), Vol.2 No. 2 (July 2010), and Vol. 2 No.3 (November 2010), where the published articles have been following the focus and scope of ELKHA.

In 2011, started from Vol. 3, ELKHA published consistently twice a year (March and October).

At the beginning, ELKHA published only in print version with ISSN: 1858-1463 (print). Since Vol. 9 No. 1, March 2017 ELKHA started to publish the papers electronically with ISSN: 2580-6807 (online) for spreading the papers world wide. Since Vol. 11 no.w, the journal edition is published twice a year in April and October. 

There have been some changes of editorial boards to improve the quality of ELKHA. Trias Pontia W was the editor-in-chief of ELKHA from Vol.1 to Vol. 9. Started from Vol. 10 till now, the editor-in-chief is Seno D. Panjaitan.

ELKHA has done some efforts for significant improvements in order to improve the quality of paper and journal management, get indexed and included in national/international database, and received accreditation. Since Vol. 10, no. 2, October 2018, the template hase been revised. While, the new review form (which is more details) is used since Vol. 11, no. 2, October 2019, where the author has to submit revision form as well along with the revised paper (the change must use different color). As the results, since Vol. 8 No.1 ELKHA has been indexed by Portal Garuda. Since Vol. 10 No. 1 has been submitted to be accredited by RISTEKDIKTI (SINTA) and also included in Directory Open Access Journal (DOAJ), One SearchDRJIEBSCO Host.

To improve the citations, since 2018 articles published in ELKHA already have digital object identifier (DOI) from crossref.
ELKHA has received SINTA 3 accreditation by RISTEKDIKTI in 2018 (duration Vol. 8 No.1 2016 for the next 5 years).