Ratu Zulfi Amaliah, Wida Putri Pramudita, Arsyida Yuliasari, Desi Eka Nur Fitriana


The fact that local people use plants as materials for their daily needs, be it medicine, art, cosmetics, etc. is called ethnobotany. Ethnobotany is engaged in various fields, one of which is cosmetic ethnobotany. In ancient times cosmetic products have become an important part of people's lives.

Its use is widespread for both beauty and health purposes. The use of plants in Sambikiting Village, Sambilawang Village, Waringinkurung District is very diverse in the cosmetic field. Plants that are often used by the community are Magnoiophyta plants, including coconut, guava shoots, betel leaves, and rice.

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.26418/edunaturalia.v4i2.66475


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