Description of Self Efficacy Students SMA Muhammadiyah 1 Pontianak in Chemistry

marlina marlina


The aims of this research are to give description of student’s self efficacy SMA Muhammadiyah 1 Pontianak in chemistry. The research method that used in this study is descriptive which is quantitative. The subject of this research were 29 students in class XI IPA 2 SMA Muhammadiyah 1 Pontianak. 

Data collection techniques carried out by indirect communication techniques in the form of questionnaires and direct communication in the form of interviews. The results of the analysis showed that students with high, medium and low self-efficacy were 34.48%, 41.38% and 24.14%, respectively. The results of categorizing self-efficacy indicate that most students already have confidence in their ability to determine and carry out learning activities to achieve the desired target, although there are still some students who have low self-efficacy. The results of the analysis of aspects of self-efficacy, showed that students have a level of learning difficulties, the strength of confidence and broad areas of behavior as much as 49%, 31% and 20%. These results indicate that students have different perceptions in looking at the difficulty of an assignment so students will try to carry out tasks that they think are capable of doing and will avoid situations and conditions that they think are beyond the limits of their abilities.

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The Chemistry Education Study Program, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Universitas Tanjungpura.


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