Pengembangan Buku Saku Digital Berbasis SETS pada Materi Reaksi Reduksi Oksidasi
The aims of this study were to determine the feasibility of digital pocket book based on science, environment, technology and society (SETS) on oxidation reduction reaction material and to measure students response. The form of this research was research and development (R&D) that adapted from the Four D (4D) model that limited into Three D (3D) steps. The subject of this study was digital pocket book based on SETS which was on X IPA students of MAS Al mustaqim Kubu Raya at the initial trial and main trial. Data collection instruments used were expert appraisal assessment sheets and students response questionnaire. The result of data processing showed that digital pocket book was very feasible (94,5%) that in terms of material aspect, graphic aspect, and language aspect. Based on students response questionnaire, the response result in the initial trial and main trial were 91% and 90,4% that classified as very good category. These datas showed that digital pocket book was very feasible and got very good students response.
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The Chemistry Education Study Program, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Universitas Tanjungpura.
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