Tradisi Nyimbah Aik Tanah Dayak Kanayat’n sebagai Sistem Pengendalian Sosial di Kecamatan Sungai Ambawang, Kab. Kubu Raya
This study aims to describe and analyze the “NyimbahAik Tanah” Tradition of Dayak Kanayat`n as a Social Control System in Sungai Ambawang Sub-District of Kubu Raya Regency. The tradition of NyimbahAik Tanah has a very profound value to be used as a social control system for people in their daily activities. In this study the researcher uses a Qualitative research method which is ethnographic in form which is expected to be able to obtain results that are profound and relevant to the problem and the purpose of this writing. By using this descriptive approach, the researcher is able to provide good narratives with informant sources that have been interviewed. The results of this study show that NyimbahAik Tanah has a very high value of togetherness and mutual respect. Because the people of Sungai AmbawangSub-District, especially the Dayak Kanayat`n tribe, know how to position themselves to uphold each other`s brotherhood with one of which is the NyimbahAik Tanah Tradition. The meaning and symbol contained in NyimbahAik Tanah is to eliminate any fear of misunderstanding between people. With the event of NyimbahAik Tanah, all trauma or negative views can subside and be neutralized of negativity.
Keywords: NyimbahAik Tanah, Dayak Kanayat`n, Social Value
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Balale' : Jurnal Antropologi published by
Social Anthropology Study Program
faculty of Social Science and Political Science
Tanjungpura University
Pontianak, West Kalimantan, Indonesia.
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