Rully Fajariyadi


Abstract - There are several ways to build a diskless network. The focus in this paper uses the OS (Operation System) Linux as the main OS. The method that will be used is the LTSP (Linux Terminal Server Project). There are various ways to develop LTSP technology, one of them is to combine it with the wireless technology which is the wireless bridge method. Wireless bridge network is used to cover the lack of LAN networks, one of which is to achieve a relatively remote client and difficult to achieve with a LAN network. The aim of the research is to build a diskless network LTSP using wireless bridge, then measure the performance of the server processors and memory as well as QoS (Quality of Service) of the network until it reach satisfied level. The methodology used in this research is the study of literature and analysis of the LTSP to be implemented by the method of wireless bridge. Based on the data obtained from the results of the implementation and measurement, shows that the workload of the processor and memory on the server is heavily influenced by the use of the application and the number of clients in addition to the QoS of the network produced a good result. From the results obtained it can be concluded that the LTSP can be implemented in a wireless network bridge. Boot time, processor and memory usage has increased along with the number of running applications and clients as well as the QoS generated by the network reach a satisfied level.


LTSP, Diskless, Wireless Bridge, QoS, Linux, Server, Client

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