Matius Narang, Erwin Sutandar, Asep Supriyadi


This study applied lightweight foam concrete blocks CLC size of 60 cm x 20 cm x 7.5 cm, which is where the process of making lightweight foam concrete blocks CLC is similar to the conventional way of making concrete, the strength will increase over time through natural moisture at atmospheric pressure alone. In studies using Foam agent in the manufacture of lightweight foam concrete block combined use of additives Sikamen-Ln, which can help speed up the process of hardening of the bubble - the bubble foam filler lightweight concrete brick foam.Dilihat volume of the test results a mixture of lightweight foam concrete block in terms of nature physical and mechanical lightweight foam concrete block variation 3, 4 and 5, it is recommended that a cement variation 4 300 kg with 300 kg cement composition; sand 500 kg; foam 0.8 kg; 150 kg of water; sikamen LN 1.2 kg, is due to the variation 4 has the highest ratings relative weights of all the testing recap 8.525. It can be concluded that there is an influence of the use of cement to the physical and mechanical properties of concrete brick lightweight foam that is evident from the test results, but in certain circumstances too much cement is also not good for the quality of light brick foam, the cause could be due to the chemical reaction of each - respective constituents of lightweight foam bricks.

Keyword: Lightweight Foam Brick, Cement PCC, Physical and Mechanical, Optimum Composition



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